Friday, July 31, 2009

Rule of Forty

As I remembered earlier this year that it has been 40 years since I graduated from high school (good grief!), I also thought about some other things from 40 years ago.

1. Neil Armstrong's small step on the moon
2. 40th anniversary of Peter Fonda's Easy Rider
3. 40 years since the Tate-La Bianca murders..Helter Skelter/Charles Manson
4. Vietnam Protest--Washington DC---250,000 protesters converged
5. Richard Nixon is sworn in as President
6. Teddy Kennedy---Chappaquiddick
7. Woodstock---350K bodies and various drugs are essentially rain-soaked and in the mud (08/15-17/1969)
But there is more:
--1969 was the year the US government instituted the draft lottery system to supply troops in VietNam;
--PBS is begun and Sesame Street debuted the same year;
--Sam Walton incorporated Wal-Mart;
--Beatles' Abbey Road album was recorded---there were rumors that Paul had died because he was the only Beatle walking barefoot across the street in the album cover photo--there was hysteria on the radio
--John and Yoko Lennon posed for the cover of "Two Virgins" album in full-frontal nudity. The album was consficated in a US airport

I have nothing profound or even interesting to say about these events except that I can only count two things that occurred for the greater good: Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon, and the inception of the Public Broadcasting System (Sesame Street).

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