Wednesday, July 7, 2010

If I Had Been Tempted In The Garden Of Eden

If I had been roaming the Garden of Eden instead of Eve, maybe there would have been a different outcome. You see, I can resist the temptation of an matter how red, unblemished, crisp or sweet....I am able to turn 'em down. "No thank you, I'm fine." "Yes, that is a beautiful apple, but I'll pass."

Remember, even Snow White was tempted by the mean Queen's red, juicy apple. Look what happened to Snow White...a premature demise, a deep sleep.

My temptation would be a glorious, red, full of sunshine tomato. And we are in the midst of the "season of the tomato." Just give me a just-plucked warm, red tomato from the vine and a shaker of salt---I AM IN HEAVEN! I have stood in the middle of my Dad's garden in July, canvassing for the ripest tomato within sight; I have reached down to hold it in my palm, gingerly feeling its weight and girth. The warmth of that tomato on the vine and the smell of the tomato sends me into a state of excitement coupled with the thought that life just can't be better than this.

As I have snapped the tomato from the stem of the plant with just a slight twist and felt the remnants of dew from the leaves as my hand reached through the branches, I anticipate the first bite. I gently rub the tomato against my jeans to knock off any errant sand granules and with the salt shaker in my left hand, I bring the fruit to my mouth. With eyes closed to experience its flavor without distraction, I lean forward to take that first bite. I know from experience that the juice will run down my arm as I take that bite. Then, I shake some salt over the excised and exposed area of the tomato flesh and take the second grand bite. I have no words worthy to describe the flavor. I eat that tomato and walk forward down the row of tomato plants to find my chaser tomato.

You see, Satan would never have tempted Eve with a tomato. For centuries, tomatoes were believed to be poisonous. Satan's goal was to make Eve suffer, not to kill her. And then Eve convinced Adam to take a bite of know the rest of the story.

The next time you pick a tomato from the grocer's shelf or from a basket at a road-side produce stand, remember that if Eve had eaten the tomato instead of the apple....we might all be living in the Garden of Eden, unclothed, happy, healthy and enjoying fruits of our Lord's bounty.

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