Thursday, October 7, 2010

Maybe A New Blog Title Is In Order

Maybe I am testing the powers that be. Maybe I should just stop asking, "what's next?"

I began to feel that my life was on target several months ago. I became a volunteer rape/crisis advocate. Callie and I began sharing a special bond and we've really enjoyed each other. I love holding her little hand as we walk to the car. I love our conversations. I love the way she hugs and I love being loved by her.

I planned a cruise for Zack, Brooke and myself. And we had a great time sharing new experiences and seeing things together. It was great.

I visited Vicki in Boston---a great trip, saw some of Maine, had my first boiled Maine lobster---fresh from the sea THAT day! We visited Salem, Kennebunkport...and had a great time.

I was on a roll!

Then, over Labor Day wekend, I lost a great friend. My friend Cindy died unexpectedly and I made a fast trip to Baton Rouge to see her family and go to the funeral. Cindy's death was a loss for many people and I have felt honored that we were friends.

I got home about 10:30 PM on the 7th of September---drove straight through in constant rain, sometimes driving down the Interstate between Lafayette and Nachtitoches about 15 MPH. Planned to go in to work a little late the next morning.

I awoke to the fan stopping and knew the electricity had stopped. Looked into the backyard and Rush Creek had crept up onto my patio. The backyard was a lake. I dressed quickly, picked up my still-packed overnight bag, rounded up the dogs and we piled into the car in a torrential downpour. I barely made it out of the neighborhood. Streets were flooding with fast currents of water, sirens were blaring and firetrucks were blocking street accesses.

I had to travel to an unfamiliar vet's office (on higher ground) to get the dogs boarded. Luckily, they agreed to take Lexie and Katie and call their regular vet for shot records, etc.

I started my way to Ruth's house and had texted Zack about the rising water, called Ruth to tell her I was on my way. And, knowing from previous experiences with rising creek waters, this time it was BAD. By this time, I could hear helicopters, more sirens and there was water everywhere. I was distraught, crying and fed up.

I got to Ruth's house two hours later, we went to pick Callie up at her school, went back to Ruth's house. A friend of Ruth's called her to tell her that she saw my house on the noon news. We turned on the TV and saw film of people being rescued by helicopter in my neighborhood.

I called my great across-the-street neighbors and was told that it was very bad. Gene estimated that there was four feet of water inside my house.

That's when I felt that my life had changed and I felt that familiar hole in my being as I had when Clu Flu died. Granted, it wasn't the same.....but I knew that I had lost almost every material reminder of my life memories over 59 years.

It is 30 days past that initial shock and destruction and I have been blessed in many ways through this misfortune. I am truly thankful for the out-pouring of love, concern, caring and support that I have received.

But, I know that hole will remain for a very long time. There have been MANY frustrations with trying to problem-solve and re-build some semblance of my life.

It's a process....and I'm still trying to figure out how to make this a meaningful learning experience and a way to build strength and fortitude.

I'm not going to ask "what's next?" for a long time to come.

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